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The upside to the reason we drive, is to reach our destination in a faster time, and at a time that suits us. This allows us to make longer journeys than in the days of horses and carts. This, by the way was long before my time. We also have the comfort of suspension Air conditioning and everything to make our travelling enjoyable.
However it has its down side. Every time we get into our vehicles, we are putting ourselves in the path of potential danger through our own misjudgment.
You often hear people say, “The car/truck/he/she just came out in front of me. I hadn't time to do anything.” It is not possible, for traffic, pedestrians or cyclists to just come out in front of you, if you have been observing and had been scanning the road ahead correctly for what may happen.
Even if we have not been the cause of the initial misjudgment, we should have been alert to what the person might or might not do and been prepared for either. . Talk yourself through every situation out loud, like a running commentary on what's happening and what you're how you are going to deal with the situation. I do this with many of my students as it is good practice which forms a good habit in training our mind to behave in a certain way when driving. A safe way, I call it the “what if”.
An example of this unusual technique is, on approach to a sharp bend in the road, you would say. “Around this bend there may be a traffic queue, a pedestrian about to cross, something parked on the bend or an approaching vehicle may take the bend wide.” Solution: Take care. This does not mean driving at snail’s pace, but at a speed that you could can stop safely.
Hazards will only become dangerous through our own misjudgment. I include myself in this. Just because we are driving instructors does not make us infallible and calling it wrong at times. . We all have moments where our concentration lapses and are caught off guard.
One hazard that I constantly see is when a car is parallel parking and the following vehicle doesn't heed the indicator. When they finally notice what is happening, they don’t look to see if the person parking can make it in one manoeuvre or not. So they keep creeping forward, leaving the person parking no option but to stop what they are doing, and they find themselves in a situation where they can neither reverse or go forward.
It soon becomes a traffic jam with everyone involved becoming angry as they in turn had also moved forward. This leaves a situation where nobody can move until somebody at the back reverses. This situation It could have been avoided with the “the “What If” technique. Eg. What if the person can’t make it in one manoeuvre. I’ll give them enough space to negotiate into their position.
Have fun with it make it habit, start as a passenger. Look to see what is happening and what might. but always keep alert and aware.