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The Turn About or what used be called the three point turn, is a manoeuvre required in the driving test. Pupils have asked me what is the point of it and when would you use it. It is good to know how to handle your car going forward, backwards and doing a turn about. If you found yourself in a cul-de-sac wouldn’t it be great to know how to turn round safely. Firstly ask yourself, is where you intend doing the turn about safe and legal?
The key to doing the turnabout is to keep your speed slow and steer briskly. To keep your vehicle moving slowly this will involve clutch control. (Hold your foot on clutch just above the bite to make it move. If you want the vehicle to slow dip your foot briefly back down towards the floor on the clutch.) I can hear you say, keeping your foot on the clutch is coasting. Remember there is no such thing as coasting in 1st gear or reverse. The only time you need to signal during the manoeuvre is when signalling right as you leave the kerb to start the turnabout.
Before starting the turnabout it is important that you wait until the road is clear in both directions. Unlike the corner reverse where you can stop and give way to other road users, during the turnabout you are blocking the way of other traffic. Always give way to pedestrians who are nearby as in stopping what you are doing until they are a safe distance away.
Do your GOSH routine Gear, Observation, Signal, Handbrake & check your Blind Spot.
Move forward slowly turning your steering wheel briskly to the right, until you cannot turn it anymore.
When you are about a meter from the other side of the road, turn your steering back to the left as you continue to move forward. (This gives you a head start on the steering when you go into reverse.)
Look around you
Apply the handbrake if necessary, for example if the camber is significant. (See Camber on my Facebook Page Q & A Nov 30th, 2010)
Look around you
Put car in reverse gear move slowly and steer briskly to the left as far as it will go.
Look around you
When you’ve reached about a meter from the road edge behind you, turn your steering back to the right as you continue to reverse.
Apply handbrake if necessary.
Look around you
Put car in 1st gear and move forward slowly while steering briskly to the right and bring the car to a parked position on the left hand side of the road. This will complete the turnabout in three moves, but remember it is not necessary to complete the manoeuvre in three moves. It may take five or even seven depending on the size of vehicle and width of road.