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Putting it into bullet points the following steps explain.
Step 1You’ll see the sign for a minor road on your left (p 181 RSA Rules of the Road) which may be accompanied by road markings.
Step 2 Mirror;
Check your right, rear view and left side mirror.
Step 3 Signal;
Signal left with indicator. ( Make sure you have passed all entrances/roads on your left before you signal for your road on the left.)
Step 4 Position;
Remember road position which we covered in December’s Blog is less than one metre from the left hand side.
Step 5 Speed;
Alter your speed to take the corner. Brake sufficiently for second gear which is the appropriate gear for taking a corner. It is very important that you change gear before you get to the corner. Why? If you were to change gear on the corner, you’re not in control or in gear while your foot is on the clutch. This can also form the bad habit of going for the clutch further and further back from the corner. The term for this is coasting which we will be covering in the March Blog. Have a glance in your left mirror just before you steer into the road on your left. Why? A cyclist may have come up on the inside since you’d checked you mirrors earlier which could lead to the danger of cutting them off or even hitting them.
Step 6 Look;
Maintain correct road position after you’ve completed the turn and glance in all mirrors left, rear view and right.
Turning onto a major road is basically the same steps, all bar Step 1 and 5.
Step 1 for a major road will be a STOP sign
Step 5 turning onto a major road you will be preparing to stop. Also, a very important thing to remember just before you move off to take your turn, glance in your mirrors especially the left.