Thursday 15 February 2018


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All testimonials are taken from cards, emails etc sent to me.  A huge thank you to you all.

Passed my test thank you so much Niamh.  I would recommend Black and amber to anyone learning to drive.

Sue Hardy
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Thank you Niamh if I were to rate you out of 10 stars I would rate you 20  :)  I was so nervous when I started learning to drive with you and I had never really wanted to drive and you gave me such confidence.  To anyone who is out there reading this I passed my test first time after having all my lessons with Niamh.  Niamh leaves nothing to chance I was ready for any hazard thrown at me during the test.  I love driving now because I know what to do.  Tnx again Niamh youre the best.

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Just want to let everyone know what a super instructor niamh is.  niamh had me so prepared for the test that it felt like I had done it before.  I passed my driving test first time and there is no way it would have happened if niamh had not given me all her good tips and showed me how to drive properly.  Thank you niamh you are what my friend told me  A LEGEND.  

T Bryne
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I had already failed my test before I switched to Niamh for my driving lessons, upon arrival my confidence was fairly shook and I thought learning to drive was becoming more of a trial than anything. None the less Niamh went above and beyond in helping me break my bad habits, enjoy driving and gain confidence in my own ability to drive. She's a very friendly, patient and understanding person which really put me at ease throughout all of my lessons. She has a lovely bubbly personality which really made each lesson a joy, even those early(for me) 8am pre-work lessons which should have been especially hard for a non morning person such as myself. But they weren't and I always left happy and more at ease with my driving. Even when it came to the day Niamh was at hand with a few tips for keeping the nerves at bay which really helped me. I genuinely couldn't give a higher recommendation, Niamh is a wonderful person with brilliant and effective teaching methods! (:

Tracy Dalton.
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Doing driving lessons with Niamh from Black & Amber driving school is like having a friend sitting next to you who really really wants you to pass the test. She not only makes the lessons more fun but also intelligently picks out your weak spots and works hard on them till you get them right. The level of energy and passion she shows in teaching makes you more keen to learn and to get things right. I am pretty sure anyone who would take lessons with her would always recommend his friends to use the same driving school. She was recommended to me by a friend who took lessons from her in the past and I am going to do the same if someone ask me about a best driving school in town. I am usually scheduled for the lesson that she gives at the end of her day but still her level of energy is always great. I cant not emphasise more for everyone who are looking for driving lessons to go for Black & Amber driving school, I am pretty sure that after the very first lesson you would realise that you have not only met a brilliant instructor but also a wonderful person. I wish Niamh all the best. Also, good luck to everyone who is on a journey towards the full licence.

Usman Amin
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I can’t recommend Niamh enough, she has a great way of instilling confidence and her instructions were always clear and stress-free. She has a wonderful calm manner and I enjoyed learning to drive. I am also happy to say that I passed my test first time! Thanks Niamh :)

Aoife Mc Inerenery
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I cannot recommend Niamh highly enough.  She is so patient and very passionate about her job.  I believe that Niamh was born to be an instructor actually I think she could teach just about anything if she wanted to.  Niamh breaks down everything in a way that is easy to understand, remember and do.  Thank you for all your help Niamh, your tips and knowledge on driving will stand to me every time I drive.  So happy to get the test over with now I can enjoy driving anywhere I want to confidently.

Karen a Kilkenny Cat
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Thank you for your support, your kindness, your time and actually everything.  I never forget, you teach me how to drive.  Only one word I say to you thank you very much.

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Thank you Niamh for all your help.  I would never have gotten the test if it hadn't been for you.  I echo what everyone else has said in your reviews.  I had fun, I learned very easily and got the reward at the end.  I will never be able to thank you enough.

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OMG anyone looking for a driving instructor who is patient, teaches things so easily, fun, understands what it's like for a learner driver, spots the improvement from your last lesson, sees all mistakes made in a positive way and takes you through the driving test step by step so you are ready, Stop looking.  Niamh is the driving instructor for you.  I had two other driving instructors and one of them should never have become a driving instructor and the other used to make me yawn.  Thank you very much Niamh for all your help and support.  I would never have gotten the test without you.

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Thank you so much for everything Niamh. You are really gifted when it comes to teaching.  I remembered things so easily with little sayings that you had for everything.  I would never have got the test it it weren't for your patience, help and guidance.  I never thought I'd get it first time, I thought I'd be trying for years.  To anyone reading this review I cannot recommend Niamh highly enough.  Everything that has been said in other reviews is 100% true.  Thank you so much again Niamh.

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Hi Niamh, I'm emailing you this to put on your testimonial section in your blog.  I'm not on facebook so can't do it there but want to let everyone know what a great instructor you are.  xx  -----  Thank you so much for all your help and I know without your knowledge and patience I would not have passed.  Before I went to Niamh for lessons I thought I had just been unfortunate with the four I had done and it was only when Niamh went through everything with me that I realised how much I wasn't doing and hadn't a clue about.  I would highly recommend Black and amber driving school to everyone learning to drive.

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Thank you to you Niamh.  I passed my driving test first time and could not have succeeded without your help.  You were most helpful and patient.  From my first logbook lesson I learned a lot.  I would recommend Niamhs driving school to everyone.  She makes you feel most comfortable and relaxed.  Thank you again for your support.

Waqas, Kilkenny
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Hey Niamh, emailing you this testimonial maybe you would add it to your Blog  This testimonial doesn't really convey what a fantastic teacher Niamh really is.  She instinctively knows how to get the best out of your driving and her aim is always to make it easy for people to pick up.  I passed my test with Niamh's driving school and I was dreading doing it in Kilkenny because I had heard how hard it was to pass in Kilkenny.  Thanks for all your help, I would never have done it the way and I will keep my promise and hold on to all the good driving habits you gave me.

Geoff, Kilkenny
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Anyone who has had driving lessons with Niamh, should know by now how 'steer like a trucker' or to do the 'GOSH' before moving off. These are just a few of the phrases that she uses to help instil great driving habits. With Niamh, there's a genuine love for teaching and a drive to see all her Learners achieve that coveted Driver's Licence. I passed my driving test 2 weeks ago, and Niamh supported and cheered me on all the way. Not only did she say that she'd eat her shoe if i failed it, but she was gracious enough to wait for me as i took the test, in spite of her bad cold. To her, it's a small gesture, but to a Learner like me, it speaks volumes about her character. So, if you're a  Learner looking to pass your Driving Test -- the first time you take it, please call Niamh! She's awesome!

Regina, Kilkenny

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Very professional, respectful, knowledgeable and fun.  I passed my test yesterday a day I'll never forget.  I was extremely nervous but Niamh really helped me to stay focused and relaxed leading up to the test.  I thought having a lesson straight before the test might not be a good idea but as Niamh said it can help you get into the zone and it did.  Thanks a mil Niamh for everything.

Regina, Clonmel
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Passed the test and delighted I never have to do that again.  But I couldn't have done it without Niamhs help.  100% no doubt in my mind I would highly recommend her.  Thanks for everything Niamh.  Black and amber all the way.

Fergal, Kilkenny
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OMG Niamh I will never be able to thank you enough for all your help.  Whoever reads this testimonial, Niamh is so patient, courteous and helps you learn things easily and quickly.  The lessons just went too fast though.  I will drive around with my N plates with pride.  Thanks so much.  I really could not have done it without your help.

Louise, Kilkenny
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Passed my test today and it was good for me to find Niamh to have her as instructor.  I felt relaxed and calm because she show me how to do everything right.  I have many friends who will be going for driving course to you Niamh.  Thank you for all help you give to me.  I tell everyone about what a good teacher you are.

Sadia, Kilkenny.
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The best tuitor I think that I've ever had for anything and that includes school as well.  Niamh has such a lovely way of teaching the material and skills needed to be a driver that it is very easy to learn doing it Niamhs way.  When I had my lessons with Niamh even though there was a lot of content to go over in each lesson she made it very easy and I was very comfortable under her supervision.  Anytime I made mistakes she'd drop in a compliment on the things I was doing well.  I thought there has to be a catch.  But every single lesson was fun and I learned without really realising that I was learning.  Thank you Niamh for your patience especially with all the lessons I had to change the times with when I was called into work and I really appreciated you going into the test centre with me and being there when I got back.  It felt like that feeling when I was starting school and my mother used drop me to school and I knew she'd be waiting when I got out which really relaxed me throughout the test.  Couldn't have done it without your help.

Rebecca, Kilkenny.
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Just one sentence is needed to recommend Niamh as a driving instructor for anyone learning to drive.  (Get Niamh, she is the best)  Thank you Niamh.

Peter, Kilkenny.
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Hi Niamh, I'm emailing you this to put it up in your testimonial Blog cause that's how I came across you reading the testimonials about your driving school.  ....  Niamh is a great instructor.  Full of enthusiasm in passing on her knowledge and her bubbly personality makes the lessons fun.  Thank you for all your help.  I will never have to do that test again thank god.  Ha ha and it's all down to your patience with me and belief in me.  Tnx so much.

Mary Ann, Kilkenny.
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Niamh, thank you for everything.  There should be a new word invented for the excited feeling I have right now as no word seems to come close to describing it.  I know for a fact I would not have passed my test without your help and guidance.  Anyone who is reading this, I thought I was a good driver and had just been unlucky with all the tests I'd done before I went to Niamh.  It was a real eye opener all the bad habits I'd got into.  I would never in a million years have passed the way I had been driving.  Thank you again Niamh.

Chrissy, Clonmel
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Thank you so much for all your help Niamh. I didn't know that I had so many bad habits until I had lessons with you.  I'm buying my N plates today thanks to you.  Thanks again for everything you don't know how much getting the test meant for me.  That position that I had applied for, full licence holder was a condition for it.

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Super, fantastic, bubbly, fun, a treasure chest of information and a brilliant way of teaching.  That doesn't even come close to covering how good you are Niamh.  I couldn't have gotten the test without you.  A million thank you's to you for your support throughout.

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I am writing this testimonial as that is exactly how I found Niamh by reading her testimonials.  Every word said in them is true.  I passed my test with only 4 grade 2 marks and I could never have done it without Niamhs help.  Her way of teaching is fun but still very professional.  I also loved the way she never used her phone in a lesson.  There seem to be a lot of instructors who think it's ok to use their phone to book in another appointment and it's not it's just plain rude.  If you had a star rating on here Niamh it would have to be 10 stars out of 10.  Thank you for all your help and support and the pep talk that was needed badly before the test.

Regards, Majella
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I got my test two weeks ago after many previous attempts.  It was partly my own fault the first time I did it just for the experience of doing the test then the other times I waited until the last minute and just got one lesson before the tests.  When I went to Niamh, 15 days before my test, she gave me the wake up call I needed.  Her exact words were, do you want to keep trying your luck at the test or do you want to pass it.  If you want to have another go then go for it.  If you want to pass it I'd cancel it and give yourself enough time to break the bad habits that need breaking.  Reluctantly I took Niamh's advice because my way was not getting me to pass the test.  I took five lessons immediately after applying again and bingo I got it.  Thank you Niamh, you taught me so much in those five lessons that I think I could not go back to driving the way I used to even if I tried.  You were such a great help and supported me all the way with your encouraging words.  

Sylvia, Clonmel.
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"I cannot thank Niamh enough for helping me to pass my driving test. It was a mountainous task for me because I was quite anxious, having done it a few times and been unsuccessful, before finding Niamh. She helped put me at ease with her extensive knowledge, helpful tips and her unfailing sense of humour. She has a gift for teaching and found creative ways to help me remember things for my test. Her lesson rates are incredibly reasonable. I still remember how attentive, interested and flexible Niamh was when I first emailed her about lessons. She encouraged me with her positive attitude and was especially patient. I cannot recommend her highly enough. She has helped me to become a confident and safer driver. I will always remember her repeated encouragement whenever I was doubting myself - "I KNOW you can do it!" Niamh represents everything a good driving instructor should be. I wear my N plates like rosettes, with pride! I am forever grateful to Niamh for her help.

Janine, Thomastown.

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I passed the test and it was all thanks to Niamh.  Having my lessons with Niamh was like stepping out of reality and into a fun learning zone.  I love how Niamh never answered the phone during lessons and although I know she has many students, while I was in our lessons I felt like I was the only student her time was for me during every lesson.  And I never felt bad about asking questions even though I knew some of them probably were stupid.  I would start every question saying, (this is probably stupid).  She would say,  (if you're asking something that you're not sure about then it's not a stupid question.  There's no such thing as a stupid question.)  I'll tell the whole world about you Niamh, thank you for all your help.

Tracy, Cork.
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Niamh you were born to be a teacher and an expert in your field.  I would never have gotten the test if it were not for your patience and unique way of passing on your widespread knowledge.  I'll miss the fun of the lessons though.  Sending everyone your way so watch out.  Some are more disastrous drivers than I WAS.  

Caroline, Clonmel.
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I've never learned so much so easily when learning anything in my life.  Thank you very much Niamh.  You made the lesson such fun and I was learning so much without realising it.  I love your way of teaching the way every tip you give makes it easy to remember things.  I'm so looking forward to continuing my lessons with you.

Kelly Ann, Callan, Co. Kilkenny.
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Niamh Murphy you are BRILI EEEEEEEEEENT.   I would not have go the test if it had not been for your teaching methods.  Everything you showed me stood to me while I was in the test.  Thank you.  

Amy, Kilkenny
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Anyone who is looking for a driving instructor with lots of patients gives value for money, is knowledgeable on every aspect of driving and most of all has the best way I've ever heard of explaining things, Niamh is your woman.  My lessons with Niamh flew by and yesterday I passed my test with 3 grade 2 marks.  It was my first test ever.  Thank you Niamh.  I will miss our lessons tho.

Celia, Kilkenny
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Thanks a million Niamh.  I couldn't have done the test without you.  All your tips on safe driving stuck in my mind.  Anyone looking for the best instructor in the world stop right here.  Niamh is by far the best instructor I've had and I've had three others.  Patient, doesn't answer the phone during lessons and where she calls a spade a spade she is always very encouraging.  I'll be sending everyone I know to you.  Niamh and thanks again.

Colm, Kilkenny.
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Thank you very much Niamh.  I couldn’t have gotten the test without all your help and tips.  You were right, you told me when I started my lessons with you that you’d be a noise in my head by the time I was ready for the test and you were.    During the test some one behind me blew at me for not moving off on the second the light turned green and I could hear you saying, I see we have another expert driver behind us.  LOL  I relaxed completely after that.  Anyone who is learning to drive, get Niamh she is brilliant.  Niamh does what it takes to help you remember things.  I was always forgetting glance in my left mirror before turning left and Niamh stuck a little pink feather on the window beside it and left it there for the last three lessons I had with her.  Every time I should glance in the mirror, Niamh would blow on the feather like crazy.  Everything about your lessons was learning to do things and why they are done but you made learning it all lots of fun.  Expect an army of learners tracking to you Niamh.  I’ll be sending anyone I know who wants lessons to you.

Eva, Kilkenny.
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Hi Niamh.  I already gave a review on your fb page about your page so it won’t let give another review.  I'm emailing you this, maybe you'd add it to the testimonials on your Blog.  I know I have thanked you already but I just want anyone reading this to know what a brilliant instructor you really are.  Even if I hadn't passed the test today and I can’t believe with only 4 grade two marks and I never thought I'd get it first time.  :)  I would still rave about you and be getting my lessons with you.  You have been so patient and you know how nervous I was when I started.  I thought I’d never be a driver. It was taking me a while to get the hang of it and you were right Niamh I only really started to get better at it when I got insured on my fathers car.  I had nothing to practice in up to that which made if very hard for me.  You were so encouraging every step of the way.  Without your help and sound advice on how to do things I would not be looking forward to buying my N plates today.  Thank you, thank you and thank you again.

Sharon, Kilkenny.
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Anyone who needs a top notch driving instructor I highly recommend Niamh of Black and amber driving school.  You know your job inside out Niamh.  Loved having the lessons with you and I know I gave out stick about those N plates but I’ll proudly put them on the car now.  Couldn’t have done it without you.  Thanks again for all your help.

Stephen, Kilkenny
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Super instructor.  Thank you Niamh for all your help and all the tips you showed me helped me remember without really thinking during the test.  I’ll be sending all I know learning to drive to you.

Padi, Callan
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If I was to rate you out of ten Niamh I would give you a twenty.  I love your sense of humour, you make the lessons interesting.  The only thing I didn’t like when I had my lessons with you is that the time went by too fast in every lesson.  Couldn’t have got the test without you and all the mock tests really helped.  Thank you so much.

Avril, Kilkenny
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All my bad habits are GONE GONE GONE forever.  To anyone reading this testimonial.  The tester told me I was a great example of competent driving.  Thank you Niamh my pass today with only 3 grade two marks was a big change from the test I had before I went to you for lessons.  That sheet went in the bin nearly every box had been ticked in that test.   Prepare yourself for my sister although she’s not quite as bad as I was when you saw me drive in our first lesson.  Lol

Orla, Clonmel 
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FAN-TAS-TIC      Niamh you are the best instructor I’ve ever had and I have had a few.  I can’t ever remember learning anything that was so much fun   You always said to me (don’t try to remember everything I say, I’ll be like a noise in your head repeating things) and you were right Niamh.  During my test today I could hear your voice every time I got into a situation where I was nervous or not sure what I should do.  I could hear your instructions loud and clear.  Thank you so much.  Everyone who reads this I had done the test a few times I won’t say how many but more than you’d count on one hand before I went to Niamh.  I had five lessons with Niamh and she is amazing.  I passed today with only three grade 2 marks.  I cannot recommend Niamh’s driving school, Black and amber driving school highly enough.

A huge fan of Black and amber driving school.
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Thank you so much Niamh you are the biz.  I packed in driving 15 years ago because I was too nervous I mean rattling nervous.   A work colleague recommended Niamh to me and I can honestly say she took me slowly, step by step building up my confidence again.  I told Niamh that it would probably take 12 lessons to just build up the courage to sitting in the driver seat again.  I had forgotten everything but 8 months later I have a lovely set of N plates on my car and more importantly I can drive anywhere without feeling nervous.  I never thought I would become a driver.  Thank you Niamh you were very patient and had a very calming effect on me.  Really I couldn't have done it without you.   If you want to learn to drive Niamh is the lady to go with.

Ciara, Kilkenny
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You are absolutely fantastic at your job, I can't praise you or thank you enough for helping me PASS MY TEST on Friday 24 / 10 / 14 @9 : 15am a date i will never forget⚠
For anyone reading this review yesterday was my 3rd time to do my test on the previous two occasions I was very nervous extremely anxious and had absolutely no confidence in my self to pass.
I had a number of lessons with two different male instructors and without anyone thinking im against male instructors , I'm not, I personally just felt alot more comfortable with a female and who better than Niamh.
I, like alot of you would read Niamh's Black & Amber Driving School questions, hints and tips and the first thing that caught my attention was Niamh's sense of humour...
The thought of doing your driving test is already daunting enough without having an instructor that can't help you relax or put you at ease.
From the minute I picked up the phone
and spoke to Niamh I knew she was the one we laughed we made light of the situation "It's only a test" and after booking my first lesson with Niamh I already felt alot more confident.
In the end I only needed 3 lessons, I had improved and learned so much and so quick just from Niamh's advice, in the first lesson alone Niamh showed me how to get rid of all the mistakes I was making that made me fail my last test.. she gave me alot of advice and tips to help me remember which I firmly believe helped me finally pass my test.
Niamh makes her driving lessons interesting, informative, she helps you relax, breath but the best thing for me was she made it FUN...She helps take away some of that stress and anxiety, she puts you at ease, she gives great advice and support she even gives you a piece of chocolate and a cigarette ( if required) before you take "That drive" to the Test Centre
Passing my test was extremely important for me and even if I hadn't I would still continue with Niamh and would always recommend her and her driving school...
Thank you Niamh so much for your support your advice and just for being so friendly and patient....
Black & Amber Driving School is Excellent.

Tracy, Kilkenny
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I find Niamh to be an excellent tutor. Will be taking all my lessons with you Niamh.  :)

Stephen, Callan, Co. Kilkenny
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I changed instructor three times because they were on the phone all the time during my lessons.  I think it's the height of rudeness when I'm spending my hard earned cash to learn how to drive and the instructors are more concerned about filling up their appointment books.  I read Niamh's testimonials and many referred to the fact that she never used her phone during a lesson and that she gives her undivided attention and they were right.  I really enjoy your lessons Niamh you were made to be an instructor.  I would recommend anyone going for driving lessons to go to Niamh.  She is very respectful in her manor and makes driving easy.  Much thanks Niamh.

Anita Lennon, Kilkenny.
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Niamh is a superb instructor.  I’ve been to three others and I learned more in one lesson with Niamh than I did with all of the other lessons I had put together.  She knows the ins and outs of everything driving related and gives the information in a way that you don’t even realise that you’re learning.I was looking for a male instructor cause back then I used to think what could a woman know about cars and driving.  You straightened me out on that one Niamh.    Tanx again, looking forward to my next lesson.  Can’t recommend Niamh highly enough.

Al  Larkin,  Kilkenny.
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I cannot recommend Niamh enough for anyone looking for driving lessons.  I would have thought I was a pretty good driver but I’m a lot more knowledgeable now.  Habits I had needed tweaking as Niamh put it.  And I noticed that Niamh didn’t keep looking at the clock during the lesson and never answers the phone.  She gives her undivided attention, her prices are very competitive and she has the perfect manner for teaching, patience and an what I could only call expertise on explaining things in a way that is very easy to understand.  Really enjoying the lessons Niamh thank you.

Vicky Brennan, Kilkenny.
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I had my first lesson with Niamh today.  We were only 20 minutes into the lesson when I got a puncture.  We were doing the lesson in my car and I can safely say I’ve never seen anyone change a wheel so fast in all my life.  We were back in the car within a few minutes.  Niamh was explaining how to change the tyre as she was doing it.  I think I could manage to change it myself now with your step by step instructions Niamh lol maybe not as fast tho.  Will be sending anyone I know who’s learning to drive to you.

Becky.  Clonmel.
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Passed my test today.  Best instructor ever to my mind.   Niamh is so friendly and I found her to be very honest and genuine.  Always on time for my lessons and gives great ways on how to remember things.  Nothing is left to chance Niamh makes you feel like you can drive anywhere with confidence.  When I went into the test centre I felt I had been there and done that because Niamh had told me step by step what to expect.  And I did what you told me to do Niamh I threw my nerves on the back seat while I was doing the test.  Tanx again for all your support, couldn’t have done it without you.  

Ailison, Kilkenny.
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Niamh is a super fantastic instructor. Niamh, you should be a stand-up comedian.  Very witty, but it’s not even that which I found impressive.  It’s your witty way with explaining of what I should be doing and the why everything should be done that I loved.  You’re way of explaining things made everything stick in my mind.  A million thanks Niamh.  Anyone looking for driving lessons out there I highly recommend Black & amber driving school.

Jen Cuddihy, Kilkenny.
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Thank you very much Niamh.   The lesson was informative, fun and enjoyable.  I was so so nervous and Niamh helped me relax with her calming manor.  I don't like to knock anyone but my previous instructor was so worried about their car being damaged, always pressing the pedals on their side that I was making mistakes out of pure nervousness.  I hit the kerb in Niamh's car, Benjy as she calls it and she just said, 'shame on them, silly place to put the kerb, I'll have it moved out of the way for your next lesson'.  I thought that was hilarious and since then I have relaxed which in turn means my driving has greatly improved and I'm a lot more confident now.

Anna, Kilkenny.
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Niamh recommended I cancel my driving test saying I wasn't ready for it.  I was a little offended at the time but after having a few lessons with her and learning much more.  I know she advised me right.

Richard G.
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Love, love love having my lessons with Niamh.  Pleasant, friendly.  She makes you feel like you can do anything.  Thanks Niamh.
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I have been going to Black and Amber driving school now for the last month and Naimh has amazing patience.  Is never condescending and wants you to do well and learn all you can.  But I was also impressed by the fact that she never answers her phone during lessons unlike my last instructor.

Margaret, Co. Kilkenny
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Niamh is very knowledgeable on all aspects of driving.  She knows how far to push you without pushing you out of your comfort zone.  I have loved driving since I started but since going to Niamh for lessons I'm learning why things should be done a certain way.

Joanne, Kilkenny
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I never remember learning to be fun until today when I'd my first lesson with niamh.  Looking forward to the next lesson.  I had been putting it off for the last three years and think I fell on my feet with niamh as my instructor.

* * * * * * * * * *

I find Niamh to be very professional, mannerly, and has an excellent way of sharing her knowledge in a very respectful way.  Never answers her phone unlike other instructors I've had.  You're made for the job Niamh, thanks.

John Joe, Kilkenny
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I don't have a long attention span but I found the lesson flew.  Niamh holds your attention by telling you the information in a way that makes you want to know what's what.  You're definitely not your ordinary run of the mill instructor Niamh.  Lovely lesson will be booking all the lessons I need with you.  Thank you so much.

Laura,  Co. Kilkenny.
* * * * * * * * * *

Fun, exciting, learning curbe, passing mile stones all in just one lesson.  Thank you Niamh, I will be sending anyone that I know is looking for lessons to you.  Your car Benjy as you call it makes it easy to learn to drive too.  I had heard great things about you from a friend and he wasn't exaggerating.

Mary, Carlow.
* * * * * * * * * *

Best instructor ever to my mind.  Everything was explained in plain English no mumbo jumbo jargon.  I see in another testimonial Niamh someone said you were a breath of fresh air.  Perfect description.

Clonmel area
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Felt very confident in my driving after having a lesson with black and amber driving school.  My tutor Niamh was very patient, calm and any time I made a mistake and apologise she would just say ( ah that means you're human sure we all make mistakes that''s why you're hear to learn )  In only one sentence she made me feel relaxed and I knew she was not just saying it, she meant it.  I'd recommend black and amber driving school to everyone out there.

Liam, Kilkenny
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This is the first instructor who I've been with that did not knock everything I did when I was driving.  I enjoyed the lesson and learned a lot of things that were important but I never knew the reason why before.  Niamh tells you how to do something but she explains why as well.  Thanx Niamh I'm looking forward to my next lesson.  A bit confusing with us both having the same name though.  :-)

Niamh, Co. Kilkenny
* * * * * * * * * *

Niamh is an excellent tutor.  The lessons are great fun and I learn so much without feeling it's a chore.   What I also like is that Niamh never answers the phone during our lessons unlike my previous instructor, who I felt was more interested in booking other people in for a lesson.  From the minute your lesson starts with Niamh, you have her full attention, her time is yours and nothing is rushed.  

Kilkenny area
* * * * * * * * * *

Passed the test today, have never met a more patient and calm instructor and I've had a few.  Niamh explains things in plain English and lets you know why you should do things instead of just telling you to do them.  It's very easy to kick bad habits with an instructor you are comfortable learning with.  Tnx for all your help Niamh.

David, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, 
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I love getting driving lessons with Niamh Murphy from Black and Amber driving school because she's very friendly
and she makes you feel more comfortable about driving.. she also gives you such a confidence boost during and after
the lesson, praising you and your improvement.
i'd definately recommend to get lessons from Niamh as I think she's a great teacher!

Shauna Whearty, Co. Kilkenny.
* * * * * * * * * *

Niamh Murphy is an excellent instructor; she's so calm and level-headed that driving with her next to you is no problem. She talks you through everything and knows when to challenge you. I'd definitely recommend Black and Amber, especially for nervous or first-time drivers, like me!

Maline, Kilkenny.
* * * * * * * * * *

Niamh is just brilliant, her technique really works and from a technical standpoint she is excellent and very thorough when preparing for the test. Combined with this she is pleasant, so easy to get on with and extremely patient!

Liz Grace, Kilkenny.
* * * * * * * * * *

I am very pleased to be writing a testimonial about Black and Amber driving school, and especially Niamh Murphy.  She always made me feel at ease when i was driving, and whenever i did make a mistake she would always reassure me and make me feel better about it.  I was never pressurised into doing anything i wasnt comfortable with.  I would recommend Black and Amber driving school to anyone learning to drive.  

Annette,  Kilkenny
* * * * * * * * * *

I found Niamh to be a great driving instructor who is very thorough in her preparation for the driving test. She has an excellent way of approaching and explaining everything during the lessons, with a friendly and patient manner which helps the learner driver to relax. Although I only had a couple of lessons with Niamh before my test she helped me to get rid of any bad habits I had before my test. I would recommend her to anyone who is learning how to drive.

Daniel M
* * * * * * * * * *

Niamh is an excellent instructor who is very friendly, patient and always knows her stuff. She has a brilliant manner with people in that she can make even the most nervous driver feel relaxed and confident. She is extremely reliable and you get complete value for money at very competitive rates. She helped rid me of numerous bad habits which in turn led to passing my test. I would recommend her to absolutely anybody who wants to learn to drive.

Thomas Dreelan
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Niamh was brilliant, she was focused on teaching, observing and correcting my bad habits. She's also very pleasant and friendly. I found her teaching methods great because she's patient, is never condescending, knows exactly what she's talking about and was extremely encouraging. Her rates were really competitive too. She's so great I didn't really need more than a few lessons in order to pass my test. Thanks so much Niamh!

Eileen Healy
* * * * * * * * * *

I've had a number of driving instructors before and haven't been overly impressed until I met Niamh! She is brilliant, knows everything thing test related inside and out. Is good fun and makes the lesson fun also.  Couldn't recommend her more.

Brendan Doyle, Thomastown, Kilkenny.
* * * * * * * * * *

I find Niamh to be a great instructor.  At the end of my assessment, she told me there were a lot of things we could leave alone but also areas that need a great deal of attention.  Niamh recommended that I cancel my test as I wasn't ready for it and she was right.  Now I'm learning how to drive properly and my car is thanking me for it as well.  

Sinead, Inistioge, Co. Kilkenny
* * * * * * * * * *

What a breath of fresh air!   Bubbly, friendly, cheerful, while taking her job very seriously.  I haven't been behind the wheel for lessons in 11 years, my excuse was it was never the right time.  Niamh's relaxed manor really had a calming effect on me because I was petrified when I got into the car first.  When she would see me getting nervous she would just say "AND  BREATHE"  I really found her light hearted approach refreshing.   I've had quite a few bad experiences learning before.  

Best of luck in the future Niamh I'll be sending everyone I know to you.

Claire Gunne
* * * * * * * * * *

Niamh is an excellent instructor a friend of mine recommended her to me although I had been looking for a male instructor at the time.  As well as her unusual teaching techniques I found her to be very honest when she told me Id only need three lessons.  Thanx Niamh

* * * * * * * * * *

I am very happy with this school; I passed my test with them.  Thanks to their knowledge and skills they helped me become a safe and better driver.  I recommend Black & Amber Driving School to anyone learning to drive.  Thanks !!

Ricki Brennan
* * * * * * * * * *

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Observation - Look Out!

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What are blind spots? There are two different types of blindspots. Vehicle blindspots where the pillars of your vehicle block areas outside your vehicle from your field of vision and the second type of blindspot is Mirror Blindspot which are the areas outside your vehicle that you cannot see in your mirrors

Always be aware of these blindspots and compensate for them.  Moving your head slightly will compensate for the front two pillars.  A simple exercise to show how much a pillar of a car can block from your view, is to go outside, hold your thumb up in front of you at arms length and then close one eye and open it again.  

To compensate for the side and rear pillar blindspots look over your left and right shoulders ( Chin over shoulder or as I say  C OutSide ).This does not mean you must be looking around all the time, remember, your eyes need to be ahead on the road so, check appropriate blindspots for the situation you are in at the time.  For example, you've got back into your car at the car park and intend on moving off, check all around just before moving out of the space.

When moving off, merging with traffic and changing lane remember, to check back to the appropriate blindspot.  For example when moving over to the right check your right blindspot and left when moving over to the left.( Chin over Shoulder,  C OutSide )  There's a very simple exercise that I do with all of my students which helps show where the right and left mirror blindspots are; park your car on the left side of the road in a safe and legal place.  I generally do this on the hard shoulder.  Look in your right exterior/wing mirror and watch the next vehicle coming up on the road in your mirror.  When the vehicle is almost starting to pass your car, it will not be visible in your mirror.

You must check your blindspot JUST BEFORE you move.  If you check it too early anything could have happened between the time you checked it and the time you move.  If you check it as you move or after you have moved it is too late.  Remember you are checking the blindspot to ensure it is safe to move.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Dry Steering

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Dry Steering 
If your vehicle had the ability to feel and show emotions it would feel great pain and cringe when dry steering takes place. Dry steering mostly happens by turning the steering wheel, which turns the steer wheels while the vehicle is not moving. Situations where this can become a bad habit are, moving off from a stopped position, doing the turnabout and reverse manoeuvre.
Avoiding this is very simple; make sure you have the car moving before you turn the steering wheel. Even doing manoeuvres in tight spaces, use clutch control, bring the clutch up to just a little above biting point which will make the vehicle creep. Then steer quickly while you creep.  You will remember we would have touched on clutch control in October’s Blog on Getting the Bite. Also anyone who has power assisted steering will notice how much easier it is to steer when the car is slightly moving.

There are many effects that dry steering would have on your vehicle if practised, none which are good. It puts a huge strain on the rack and pinion system, bearings, tie rods and pump. There is also a lot of unnecessary wear to the steer wheels.

Friday 5 September 2014

Reading The Clues Others Give Us

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I recommend that you practice the following, not only when you are driving but when you are a passenger also. This will allow it to become a habit, a thing you just do automatically.

Q. How do I know where someone is going on the road, as sometimes they would have an indicator on but not make the turn?

A. Always remember, an indicator on just means an idicator is working. There are three other ways of checking where a vehicle is going apart from the indicators.

1 Speed - Have a look at the speed of the car approaching the turn, has it slowed sufficiently to make the turn, which the driver has indicated on taking?

2. Position - Look at the position of the car. Is the vehicle angled towards the direction that the driver is signalling to go?

3. Wheels - Check the angle of the wheels. Make sure that they are angled towards the direction which is indicated by the driver.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Reverse Parallel Parking on the Left

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As with all my other Blog Spots, they are merely pointers on how to do things as I cannot possibly go into the detail that would be involved in an hours lesson. This is not included in the driving test in Ireland as yet but I think it is important to know how to do it.

Why is reverse parallel parking better than forward parallel parking?
Because on a vehicle with front wheel drive it is the front wheels that move, so there is more manoeuvrability reversing in. All that’s needed is to turn the steering to the left, the right and then straighten it. If you were to drive forward into the space a lot of driving back and forth would be necessary and chances are it would still not be correctly aligned with the kerb.

I recommend practicing with just the car parked in front to begin with and as your skill improves and you begin to feel more confident, practice between two vehicles. Also make sure that the place you have chosen to practice is in a quiet area.

 Is the place you have chosen safe and legal?
 Make sure the space is at least one and a half to two lengths of your vehicle
 Signal left on approach to where you wish to park.
 Drive up along side the car that you intend to park behind.  Stop parallel to vehicle and leave 3 feet between your vehicle and the parked vehicle.
 Stop car at starting point and pull hand brake.

 Select reverse gear

 Look around again including blind spots on left and right side. Remember your observation must be done during the entire time you are doing the manoeuvre.

 Leave your left signal on while you do the manoeuvre

 As you reverse slowly and carefully turn the steering wheel to the left steadily as you reverse. This will need one full turn of the steering wheel.. (Don’t turn the steering to lock too quickly or your angle of turn will be out, which will mean there will be many unnecessary tries back and forth to get the angle of turn correct.)

 When your back wheel is about two and a half feet from the kerb start steering to the right again steer steadily as you reverse.

 When your front wheels are about two and a half feet from the kerb turn the steering wheel back to the left again which will straighten the wheels.


How will I know if I have completed the parking correctly?
You will know that you have done the manoeuvre correctly when the front and back tyres are between half a foot and one foot from the kerb. When you start to practice between two vehicles make sure you are parked centrally between both vehicles.

What happens if another vehicle pulls up too close behind you?
You move on and look for another space. Most of the time, the reason a vehicle would pull up too close behind is that you did not signal in good time which would allow the driver following you to react and hold back.

Who has right of way when I stop to do the manoeuvre?
You must yield to other road users and wait until your way is clear and safe. This does not mean waiting until the road is clear of all other road users. Remember you are an obstruction on your side of the road until you park, so do so without any unnecessary delay as you would with the left corner reverse.

Can I position my left wing mirror down so that I can see where the back tyre in relation to the kerb?
Yes, however you must remember to re-position your mirror before driving off again.

Can I reverse Parallel Park on the right hand side of the road?
I would not recommend doing this. There are two many aspects in doing this that make it unsafe. Firstly you would have to go the opposite side of the road to take up your start position facing the oncoming traffic. Secondly at the time that you would want to get back out on the road your view is blocked as the driver seat is at the kerb side. Thirdly when you would manage to make proper observation coming out of the space you have to cross back to the opposite side of the road.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Getting the Bite

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You will often hear people talking about getting the bite. What do they mean?
Well, let’s keep it simple; to get the bite or biting point you only need the clutch.
Check your gear lever is in neutral / out of gear and that the handbrake is applied / pulled up. Start your engine and put your car into first gear.

Remember, it’s the clutch that makes the car move, not the accelerator. The accelerator only makes your car move faster. So let’s not hear the car roaring, OK?

Allow the clutch to raise little by little with your foot, until you feel the car wanting to move or pull away. (There are three little tell tale ways of telling when it’s at the bite. You may see the bonnet raise a little, you may hear the car beginning to grumble and you must feel the car wanting to pull away.) It very much depends on pedal height in a vehicle, as to whether or not you can keep your heel on the floor while raising the clutch.

At biting point, make sure to put your heel is on the floor of the car. It is easier holding your foot at the same point if you are grounded with your heel. Try holding your foot in the same place in mid air for a few seconds, it’s very difficult.

When you feel the biting point, keep your foot in this position and let down the handbrake. Your car will start to move, with a see saw movement press a little on your accelerator gently and slowly as you allow your clutch to come up gently and slowly. Imagine you’re swapping the clutch for the accelerator.

Problems that may occur;
Why did my car roll back when I let down the handbrake? It happened because you didn’t trust your foot to hold the biting point. You dipped your foot back down on the clutch, bringing the car below the bite while letting down the handbrake.

Why did my car cut out when I let the handbrake down? You brought the car above the biting point too fast. Allow the car to move smoothly before letting go the clutch completely.  This really only takes a couple of seconds.

Remember, have fun with this, using the bite you can yes, make the car move but also make the car hold an on the spot position without the handbrake. When you are practising make sure it is in a safe and legal place.

I have often been asked by pupils at the learner stage, why it is necessary to move off using the bite every time. It is very necessary for safety reasons when moving off and for moving off on hills. Have you ever been behind a car and thought it was going to roll back into you? Remember, your car cannot roll back if it is pulling to go forward. It is a physical impossibility.

For anyone who wants to know the technical side of this, Here is a very brief explanation. There is a bar connecting to the front wheel axle which is stationary and a bar attached to the clutch that rotates and moves forward when you are bringing the clutch up to biting point. The rotating bar is moving forward to meet the bar attached to the wheels. When the two meet, it's love at first sight.  The rotating bar makes the stationary bar rotate with it. This is the biting point which from then makes the wheels move.

Think of it in simple terms the engine is telling the wheels to move.