Saturday 1 December 2012


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There is a very good reason why I am Blogging about Gears. Many people have come to me with different gear habits, a lot of which are incorrect. I’m including questions that pop up regularly when people come to me first.

Below are things that can be done but, gears are there for a reason as each gear has an appropriate speed, use the gears correctly. Change down at appropriate speeds. It takes practice to achieve this skill. I have seen many arguments between drivers and the gear leavers.  And heard sounds of grinding and crunching of the gear box.  Gear changing when done correctly should be smooth and seamless as opposed to jerking and revving.

Q. Can I stop in fourth gear
A. No. This practice should only be done if you happen to be in fourth gear and need to do an emergency stop. All rules regarding mirrors and gears must be ignored when stopping in an emergency.

Q. Can I block change (skip gears) going from 4th to 2nd?
A. Yes, it is perfectly safe to change from 4th to 2nd gear. However, appropriate braking must be done before changing to 2nd gear. When done correctly, you should not be able to tell you have changed gear.

Why does the car jerk when I'm changing down gear?
This will happen when your vehicle is moving too fast for the gear you are changing down to.  To correct this you must brake more before changing down.  Many people go straight to the clutch when changing down gear which is incorrect.  You must take the speed out of the car first bringing it to the correct speed for the gear you are going to select and only then do you go for the clutch and select the lower gear.

Why does the car jerk when I'm changing up in gear?
This will happen when your foot goes on the accelerator too heavily.  Remember you only want to touch the accelerator to hold the speed you have built up before you changed up the gear.

Q. Can I block change from other gears?
A.  You can go from 3rd to 1st and this, is actually easier to show someone rather than to explain in text form.  This is a good way of getting out of the habit of coasting also. Remember there is only one way to do this correctly – it should only be done just before bringing your vehicle to a halt.  As you near the point where you have to stop and are in 3rd gear just start braking and as you reach your stop press down on the clutch and go to 1st but keep your foot down on the clutch as you continue to brake.  However, it is best practice use your gears and to go to 2nd gear when you have the time and distance to do so.  (As I covered in my Blog on Coasting, there is no such thing as coasting in 1st gear or reverse as the speed of 1st and reverse although slow can be too fast when manoeuvring around tight space)

Key Words to gear changing: Smooth and Seamless