Saturday 1 February 2014

Zebra Crossing

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How to recognise a Zebra Crossing
Black and White striped road markings – flashing amber light on either side of the road. Also as zip zag lines before it. You will also see these zig zag lines on approach to other crossings as well.

How to approach a Zebra Crossing.
On approach to a zebra crossing the flashing amber lights are very noticeable. At this point you must check all mirrors and when you have accessed the following traffic adjust your speed safely for the crossing. Be on the look out for pedestrians that may be making their way towards the zebra crossing to cross. You may not need to stop. Predict what may happen when you reach the crossing. If somebody is about to cross stop your car at least a couple of meters before the first line you come to. This is a broken white line going across the road.

Why give so much room when stopping?
It can be very intimidating when a vehicle has stopped very closely to where you are about to cross.

Do I need to use the handbrake while waiting for someone to cross and if so why?
Yes always use the handbrake while waiting. The reason for this is if you were shunted by the following vehicle your feet would leave the pedals causing you to roll forward injuring somebody.

Can I wave to somebody to cross at the crossing?
No, never wave to pedestrians or other traffic. Why? Because if you were to wave, the oncoming traffic may read your signal to be for them, this would cause great mix up and create a dangerous situation. However you may try to make eye contact with the person about to cross. They are then in no doubt that you have seen them and are stopping to let them cross.

Can I drive on once the pedestrian has crossed passed my vehicle?
No, you must wait until the person has completed the crossing and has both feet on the footpath. Why? The person without thinking may change their mind and go back to the side where they started.

What should I do before proceeding to drive on?
Check mirrors – as to the whereabouts of following traffic. Side mirrors for cyclists and pedestrians. Check that everybody has completed their crossing. Release handbrake and proceed if safe to do so with caution.